Monday, June 13, 2016

Time please slow down

Time is going by way to fast, maybe that is what we get for always waiting for Friday.  Emma is now able to buckle herself into her car seat (most of the time), dresses herself including combing her hair, gives herself a shower, and everyday I see less and less of my baby.  She is growing into a big girl who is very vocal about what she wants.

There are days and moments that she tests my last nerve, but the next moment she melts my heart.  She is the sweetest child who wants to pick up the trash in the road, wants to move worms out of the driveway so we don't hurt them, and then wants to know why the baby in the store is crying.  Those are moments that I wish I could make time stand still, to freeze the innocence in her eyes.  To be able to forever shield her from the hate and trauma of the world.

I guess that is the hardest part for me, as she gets older it is harder for me to protect her from the world.  I don't want her to know about people hating people, people hating animals, people hurting people, people hurting animals.  I am sure those will be teachable moments, but that does not make it easier for me to think about her experiencing.

Time please slow down and let my baby be my baby just a little bit longer. Let me shield her from the world for a little while longer.

Friday, April 1, 2016

My daughter's strength

I have often said that our children teach us so much more than we teach them.  Emma has taught me so much about her, life, and strength in the past couple of weeks.  We lost my grandfather, my hero, on March 21st, 2016 at 2:05 am.  That is a moment that completely changed my life.

Emma visited with him in the hospital and had such a connection with him.  She told me one night he was crying for his Mama.  His face was dry (to me) but she later told me that he was crying, and she could tell because of the tears on his face.  She would walk out of the hospital and start singing Jesus Loves Me, or Go Tell it on the Mountain.  We talked about heaven and that Papa may be leaving us to go to heaven, and she never batted an eye.

After he passed away and I told her, she said okay he isn't sick any more.  She later told me that he didn't have pain in his back, leg, ankle, elbow, or anywhere any more.  When I explained about the funeral home visitation and that people may be upset she said "why, he is with JESUS!"  She has reassured me in my faith, by being so strong in hers.  She went to the visitation and wanted to see Papa but then said that's not Papa because he is with Jesus.  Since then she has said hey Papa a few times when we go by the hospital, or his house.  One morning she said "I miss you Papa" and I said "I miss you too Papa.

This 3 year old has taught me so much!  I am not saying she will not have days that she questions why or how, but she is such an amazing little girl.  I told a nurse that Emma got her spunk from Papa and now I wonder what all she did get from him.  I can only hope she got an ounce of his love, faith, joy, passion, and determination.

May the work I've done speak for me.
Raymond Dalton
November 21, 1931 - March 21, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016

You are my sunshine

In the mornings when we are getting ready for work and daycare Em always wants cuddle time.  Most of the time I hold her and we chat, but the past couple of weeks I decided to change it up some.  I have started holding her and while swaying back and forth singing you are my sunshine.

I do this not only for her but also for myself.  There will come a time that I can't hold her and sing to her, and while I have this moment I want to take advantage of it.  I may not be the best Mommy, let me take that back I know I am not the best Mommy.  There are times that I don't follow through with only one more book statement, that I let her have sweets when she probably doesn't need them, or keep a spotless house.  However, I try to do meaningful things with her, and instill in her that she is my sunshine.  She makes the grey skies blue again, warms my heart, and changes my day.

I do it for her, so she knows that she is a blessing, she does matter, and she is beautiful.  How often do we see teenage girls who do not value themselves.  Do not get me wrong all of that is not related to parenting, but a lot of it is.  The parents control what the girls watch on tv which leads to self image, but the girls also see their self worth from parents.  I want my daughter to know that she is not only beautiful but also smart, funny, and creative.  I want her to have her self worth, and know she is priceless.

If as parents we do not teach this then who will? Are we going to rely on the friends who may influence her to follow the crowd, or will we step up and remind them to be true to themselves.  Rely on the bullies to tell them everything that is "ugly" about them, or will we teach them how beautiful and unique they are made?  Rely on tv to show them how to dress to get what they want, or will we teach them that their value isn't based on less clothing?  You see every choice we make directly influences them.  Take a week and look at how you speak to your child, how you behave, and how your child is behaving.  Then next week change something about how you speak to your child, or how you behave take a moment and look at the changes in your child.

You see while we are so busy looking at how the world impacts our children we often miss how much we are impacting our children.  Last night Emma was playing and all of a sudden started singing you are my sunshine.  Now imagine if we continue to instill this into our children, and they are faced with a difficult situation how will they react?  I doubt when she is older and faced with a difficult decision she will sing you are my sunshine, but I hope she thinks of something wise that her imperfect mommy told her.  Maybe if she has a boyfriend that isn't treating her right, she will hear in her head how many times her daddy has told her that she is beautiful and he loves her.  Maybe when someone is telling her that she can't she will remember us telling her to try again.  I hope in those moments she is able to know her value, worth, and beauty.

Have you taken the time to tell your child that they are your sunshine?  No matter their age, they need to know that they are valued.  How many of us as adults need to know that we are valued?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The woman I am raising

A few weeks ago I saw the following quote on facebook and it really spoke to me, not only as a woman but also as a mommy.

It is so hard to think that I am in fact raising a woman.  While today she is my 3 year old firecracker, she is growing every day.  In the blink of an eye I will look at her and see a woman instead of my bubbly, giggling little girl.  I will admit that even typing that brought a tear to my eyes.  I look down and I have a sticker on my hand that she put there before school this morning.  I can hear her saying "mommy cuddle me" this morning.  So, yes it does make me sad to think that those days will come to an end and my little girl will one day go off and face the world as a woman.

I can't change the fact that she is growing up, but I can change how I approach her growing up.  I can sit back and be in tears or jump in and enjoy the ride.  I have loved every stage she has gone through up to and including this point in her life.  However, there is still a part of me that misses her being the baby that I rocked to sleep.  I can never get those days back, but guess what I can't get this morning back either.  I can take the extra minute tonight and tomorrow to cuddle her, but it isn't the same cuddle as I had this morning.

This morning I ran across the following article.  While I do not like some of the language in the article the message is very clear.  What do we praise more about our children their looks or their inner beauty?  I always try to tell Emma how smart she is, how nice she is, how helpful she is, but do we as parents do that enough?  Sadly when most women have low self-esteem it says that we do not do it enough. 

I hope that you take the time to recognize all of the beauty of your child.  How do you make it a point to let your child know that they are smart, helpful, and wonderfully made?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Our Christmas

After the crazy year in our life Christmas was just what we needed. Since 2015 was so crazy with jobs and finances I wondered how Christmas would play out.

We went to have breakfast with Santa one morning and he was telling Emma how Santa represents the three wise men that went to visit Jesus. I had heard of parents telling their kids they could pick three gifts from Santa to represent the three wise men, but I hadn't given it much thought. This Santa continued to talk to her about Jesus and she told him that Christmas was Jesus's birthday. She then told him 3 things she wanted.

Later that same day we saw a different Santa and she also told that Santa the same 3 things that she wanted for Christmas. I realized this is a great way for her not only to realize what Christmas really is about but to also keep her from making a mile long list. She continued to tell people the same 3 three items that she wanted from Santa.

On December 23rd we made cupcakes for Jesus's birthday and talked more about his birthday leading up to Christmas. Santa brought her the 3 gifts that she asked for, and we had birthday cupcakes for Jesus.

I am so proud of her for not begging for each and every toy, and more importantly loves Jesus! I am so thankful for a churcg, family, friends, and teachers that not only love her but also point her to Jesus.

We had a wonderful Christmas and I loved learning how to make the focus of Christmas Jesus. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well.