Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Wish she would have a normal childhood"

So this is the latest statement that blew my mind. Someone said they wished Emma would have a normal childhood but they don't think she will. Really??

What is a normal childhood now? Fighting parents? being put in front of a tv so the parents don't have to interact with them? Giving your child sweets so they leave you alone? Giving your child everything they want?  What is a normal childhood?

The childhood we are trying to create for Emma is one full of love, laughter, fun, learning, and memories. We hug on her, kiss on her, and tell her that we love her too many times to count (per day).  Steve and I have not argued in front of her, and do not take her around drama. When she hears someone yell she stops to see what is going on.  We laugh more times than I could even guess. I asked Steve the other day what we did for entertainment before Emma. Funny thing is that I truly do not remember. While we play we are teaching her too. She knows what "no", "more", "bath" (we have to spell this word a lot of the time or she takes off to her bathroom to take a bath), "sit on your bottom" and lots of other words mean. Her doctor has already told us she will be smarter than both of us.

In today's society I guess it is safe to say that Emma will not have a normal childhood, but I am okay with that. She does not hear cuss words or arguing. Her parents are happily married. She has a routine so that she knows what to expect from day to day. She plays with her friends at school and her friends at church. She knows her space and seems to have social skills already.

Emma will grow up with more technology than we had in our childhood, but that doesn't mean she will only experience technology. Last night we went outside and caught lightening bugs and let it crawl on her arm. She plays in the grass, and loves checking on the flowers and garden.

1 comment:

  1. For the record I must be doing something right. Emma was just playing in the floor while I sat across the room watching her. She crawled over, climbed in my lap, and gave me kisses while tickling my neck. We were both laughing so hard. These are the moments that matter the most!
