Well the day is here - Emma is officially a year old! I still can't believe it, but at times I look at her and wonder where my baby went. She is eating regular food, started drinking whole milk, using sippy cups, talking more, and expressing herself. She has changed my life so much. No I wasn't a partyer, doing illegal things, or living a bad life before. But I now realize what is important and don't stress the small things (as much at least).
A year ago I was clueless as to how much my life was getting ready to change. I was thinking about the nursery, meeting Emma for the first time, and the thing every woman warns you about - labor. I had a perfect pregnancy without any morning sickness or anything. I was still able to be active and Emma be healthy. Some women face horrible morning sickness, loss of weight and dehydration, bed rest, and even hospital stays. I was only sick one day and the dr said that was a rhino virus. Other than that everything went on as normal.
My original due date was July 7, but Emma had different plans. On Friday I went to the hosptial thinking that I was going to meet Emma. Instead I was told that I was dehydrated, given fluids, and sent home. Before I left they set my induction date for Monday. The next two days were hard. I was having contractions which the dehydration made worse.
On Sunday, Steve said we would go out to eat to distract me and pass some time. As I went to get out of the bed, my water broke. We headed back to the hospital and had 3 nurses waiting on us in the room. They had not started my induction paperwork because they all expected to see me before Monday morning. My water broke around 5 and by 8 I had the epidural, and was feeling great. I had an easy labor and at 4:20 am on July 9, 2012 I met my precious girl.
It is still hard to believe that she belongs to us. She is such a blessing! I can't wait to see what the next year will hold for us!
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