Growing up I had several uncles, but 2 mean the world to me. My Uncle Mike lived in front of us, and I spent a lot of time there playing with my cousins Susan and Melanie. I remember being on the farm with Mike, ridging the tractors, playing in the yard, and playing at his house. My Uncle Tommy was the quiet reserved one. He didn't always say a lot to me, but I was often at his house playing with my cousin Courtney. Both of these men mean a lot to me, and still do to this day. My Uncle Mike lost his daughter Melanie to brain cancer the year before Emma was born. I know it was hard for him to meet Emma, but it was like Emma knew as well. He would hold her, and Emma would just look at him and watch him. I have always heard that kids know so much more than we think they do, and I truly believe that. Emma knew that he needed that connection.

Emma has two Uncles, one which she has known since she was born and one she had not met. Well let me tell you how this past week went for her. We rode with Uncle Ray Ray to Virginia. Emma loved riding in his truck, but wasn't sure why it sounded so loud. She would watch him, and fret him, smile at him and then not look at him. Anyone who knows Ray knows he is not an affectionate guy, but there are rare times that the sweet guy shows himself. While I was holding Emma, Ray leaned over and kissed her on the forehead - keep in mind he had several witnesses. So what does he do? Once he realized that people were watching him he shocked Emma and everyone else. He leaned down and licked Emma on the forehead - yes I said licked! Emma was shocked and didn't know what to think of it. Afterwards we went to eat, and as much as Emma loves hush-puppies, she would not eat one from Ray. Ray handed it to Steve and Emma tried to give it back to Ray. I am telling you this kid cracks us up.

Emma had never met her Uncle Tony, but that changed yesterday. We met Tony at the park and played. She went right to him, and had a blast on the playground. She would throw her ball to him, and they even ended up getting the ball in the pond. Now if you know Tony this will not surprise you. He sent me to try to get the ball out of the pond. Thankfully the ball was saved! Tony and Emma played on the slides, was climbing, and even played in the swings. We left from there and headed to get dinner. Of course Emma was happy because she had mac and cheese and applesauce. Needless to say applesauce ended up everywhere. The hard part about this is that Tony will be moving to Florida this week. However, they have a bond and it will only grow with time. I will be switching phones so they will also be able to Facetime while he is out of town.
I am so thankful that Emma has two wonderful Uncles that will show her the fun things about life. From riding the four-wheeler to Facetime any time spent with an uncle is priceless!
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